Explore Asheville is prioritizing safety for our community and visitors by promoting carefully curated experiences. Do you offer an experience that is unique, immersive or interactive? We are seeking to showcase partners that offer safe, socially-distanced, personalized experiences with our promotion, “Curated Asheville: Carefully Crafted Experiences.”

Criteria for participating in ‘Curated Asheville’
  • Experience should be curated for fewer than 10 people.
  • In order to qualify, the offer must include an activity, tour or experience.

Note: For accommodation partners, this will likely require collaborating with a tour or activity provider to craft a package that combines an overnight stay with an experience. For inspiration and ideas of tour partners for possible collaboration, see Explore Asheville’s list of tour partners here.

  • Offer must be an experience, tour or activity with social distancing safety protocols in place. Opportunities that have a wellness or outdoor focus are highly desirable.
  • Offer must be available continuously throughout the spring season. (Not suited for a single event.)
  • Offer must be posted on your website and include pricing.

Contact PartnerSupport@ExploreAsheville.com with questions.

How to submit your ‘Curated Asheville’ offer

1. Upload your offer via the Extranet:

  • Login here.
  • Navigate to Collateral > Special Offers > Create an Offer.
  • Ensure redeem dates span the entire spring season (April – June).
  • Choose the “Personalized Experiences” category.

2. Notify our Marketing & PR Team about the opportunity. Email News@ExploreAsheville.com.

Need support? We’re here for you. 
  • Find a step-by-step guide to uploading offers here.
  • Sign up for a one-on-one call with a member of the Community Engagement team for support with this or other topics here.
  • Email us at PartnerSupport@ExploreAsheville.com.